Kategorie: English

  • PlanBude: English Summary

    PlanBude: English Summary

    PlanBude is a transdisciplinary office, organizing the planning and participation for a 28.000 square meters ensemble of houses in place of the former Esso-Houses on Reeperbahn, St. Pauli, Hamburg. The PlanBude idea was kicked off by an independent citizen’s assembly in the Ballroom of FC St. Pauli. The team of six combines planners, artists, architects,…

  • Urbani7e!  Housing the Many – English

    Urbani7e! Housing the Many – English

    International Festival for Urban Discoveries Urbani7e! Housing the Many – Stadt der Vielen 23.Sept. – 02. Okt. 2016 Festivalcenter Gängeviertel, HAMBURG   Urbani7e! brings together the urban practice of appropriation and the challenge of the large scale: How can the power of imagination of the many be scaled up to the strategic level of urban…

  • Archdaily about the winning design by NL and BeL

    Archdaily about the winning design by NL and BeL

    „When a new development, cleansed of history, tries to heal itself it often becomes little more than a scarred version of what once was. Usually though this process happens off site, behind closed doors, and without the the “boots on the ground” input garnered from a well-devised strategy like PlanBude. In light of this, the…

  • Results of PlanBude process: The St. Pauli Code & Groundwork for the architectural competition

    Results of PlanBude process: The St. Pauli Code & Groundwork for the architectural competition

    (deutsche Sprache: hier klicken) Here we  publish a translation of the groundwork for the architectural competition „Neuentwicklung eines mischgenutzten Quartiers am Spielbudenplatz in Hamburg, St. Pauli – Auslobung zum städtebaulichen Gutachterverfahren“. It is a short summary of the cornerstones that were negotiated between Bezirk Hamburg Mitte, Bayerischer Hausbau and PlanBude, based on the results of…